DSCI Executive Leadership Forum 2024 – Panama

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce the 11th Executive Leadership Forum on November 13-15 at the Museum of the Future in Dubai, UAE. We are proud to be collaborating with DP World on this event. This by-invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 supply chain leaders from around the world. The theme for the Forum is “Bringing Tomorrow’s Supply Chain to Today.”

DSCI Executive Leadership Forum 2023 – Dubai, UAE

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce the 11th Executive Leadership Forum on November 13-15 at the Museum of the Future in Dubai, UAE. We are proud to be collaborating with DP World on this event. This by-invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 supply chain leaders from around the world. The theme for the Forum is “Bringing Tomorrow’s Supply Chain to Today.”

DSC Executive Leadership Forum 2022 – Palo Alto

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce the 10th Executive Leadership Forum on October 12-13 at the Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel in Palo Alto, California. We are proud to be collaborating with Craft on this event. This by-invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 supply chain leaders from around the world. The theme for the Forum is “Technology and Data Trends Shaping Supply Chains & the Enterprise.” The goal of the meeting is to share the knowledge and experiences of participants and to engage in a practical discussion of the transformative actions necessary to capture the benefits of data-driven supply chains.

The Forum will illustrate the evolution of supply chain transformation, the role of technology, data, and talent, and the importance of security in this digital age. Renowned business leaders will share their experiences and insights about this new aspect of supply chain transformation. Attendees will derive practical benefits allowing them to accelerate supply chain transformation in actionable and measurable ways.

Who Should Attend?

C-level executives, directors, and executive managers from cross-functional departments across the enterprise.
The forum is specially designed so that multi-functional teams of senior management (including supply chain, sales, marketing, IT, Finance, and HR) can analyze the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. Leading-edge transformation requires a cross-company commitment and effort.

Participation Details

The Forum is an invitation-only event. Participants are responsible only for their lodging and transportation.

DSC Executive Leadership Forum 2022 – Edinburgh, Scotland

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce the ninth Executive Leadership Forum on June 8-9, 2022 at the Johnnie Walker Experience Center in Edinburgh, Scotland. We are proud to be collaborating with Diageo on this event. This by-invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 supply chain leaders from around the world. The theme for the Forum is “Direct-to-Customer Impacts on Supply Chain Transformation.” The goal of the meeting is to share the knowledge and experiences of participants and to engage in a practical discussion of the transformative actions necessary to capture the benefits from a customer-present Digital Supply Chain.

The Forum will illustrate how the move to a Direct-to-Customer strategy is essential to both B2B and B2C business models. Renowned business leaders will share their experiences and insights about this new aspect of supply chain transformation. Attendees will derive practical benefits allowing them to accelerate supply chain transformation in actionable and measurable ways.

Who Should Attend?

C-level executives, directors, and executive managers from cross-functional departments across the enterprise.
The forum is specially designed so that multi-functional teams of senior management (including supply chain, sales, marketing, IT, Finance, and HR) can analyze the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. Leading-edge transformation requires a cross-company commitment and effort.

Participation Details

The Forum is an invitation-only event. Participants are responsible only for their lodging and transportation.

Digital Supply Chain Leadership Forum

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, 90% of Fortune 1000 companies had their Tier 2 suppliers in Wuhan. Every company suffered supply chain disruptions, some more than others because they lacked the agility to react quickly.

Companies have started the process of building digital supply chains, and the global pandemic is forcing them to accelerate plans and re-evaluate objectives to become more agile and resilient.

The DSCI team has been working since March 2020 to help companies navigate new supply chain demand. We are continuing to do so with our cornerstone event, the DSCI Executive Leadership Forum (ELF), however, it will be virtual this time.

We have designed the format carefully to reduce the Zoom-fatigue we are all experiencing, yet increase the opportunities for insightful dialog with other executives to help us gain new perspectives.

The Digital Supply Chain Leadership Forum will consist of six curated sessions held virtually from January 18 to 30, 2021. You will:

  • Learn how Data Trading & Supply Chain Talent Planning can improve performance
  • Collaborate with senior supply chain leaders
  • Customize plans to enable your organization to take action
  • Network just like you would at an in-person conference

Each session will be limited to 20 people to ensure an interactive dialog and personal networking opportunities. Every attendee will be able to create a unique experience, based on their preferences, expertise, and interests.

We are Going Deep

This Digital Supply Chain Leadership Forum will be focused on two main topics:

Improving Supply Chain Performance through Data Trading
The DSCI Data Trading model enables data sharing with key suppliers and customers by identifying data that is low value to you, but high value to your customers and suppliers – and to systematically uncover data that will improve your supply chain performance.

Participants will be introduced to the following concepts:

The three stages of Data Trading: prepare, negotiate, and govern
The power of “Small Data” to solve a problem or improve a performance metric
The DSCI Data Trading simulator, a tool to identify the exact data you need, at the right level of detail and frequency
How to identify the data you have that is valuable to others
The elements of negotiating a successful data trade
How to structure an agreement that protects both parties.

Digital Supply Chain Talent Planning
The challenge of ensuring the right talent can only be tackled with a structured approach focused on growing the talent pool by providing continuous education.

The Digital Supply Chain Talent Model consists of three main pillars: Acquire, Develop, and Integrate.

The participants in this track will be introduced to the Digital Supply Chain Talent Model, a structured approach to growing your available talent pool by providing continuous education.

We will guide participants through the process of creating a model for their company using the three pillars most relevant for their organization.

Personalized Approach

Participants can choose one of these two tracts and will spend four sessions in smaller groups to get a deep understanding of the topic, hear perspectives from their peers, and create a custom plan for their company.

Additionally, there will be two general sessions for all participants, focused on quality networking and discussions on a wider set of topics, with other attendees and leading global business professionals, including Sam Palmisano, Chairman and founder of the Center for Global Enterprise (CGE) and former Chairman of IBM.

Digital Supply Chain Executive Leadership Forum 2019 – Dallas, Texas

Event Details
Tuesday, October 29 – Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Dallas, Texas

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce eighth Executive Leadership Forum on October 29th and 30th at the Southern Methodist University campus in Dallas, Texas. We are proud to be collaborating with Southern Methodist University and ChainIQ on this event. This by-invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 supply chain leaders from around the world. The goal of the meeting is to share the research conducted by the DSCI and its member companies and to engage the participants in a deep discussion of transformative actions necessary to create a Digital Supply Chain. The theme for the digital transformation is the “Frontside Flip,” which captures the spirit of customer focus and demand management that will increase revenue by 10% and reduce costs by 20%.

The focus of the Executive Leadership forum will be on generating useful information and a network of fellow leaders that can help your company make the transition to a Digital Supply Chain. Renowned business leaders will speak during the Forum. The session is designed to maximize collaboration and identify practical steps on how to advance digital supply chains in the enterprise.

Who Should Attend?

C-level executives, directors, and executive managers from cross-functional departments across the enterprise.
The forum is specially designed so that multi-functional teams of senior management (including supply chain, sales, marketing, IT, Finance and HR) can analyze the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. Leading edge transformation requires a cross-company commitment and effort.

Digital Supply Chain Executive Leadership Forum 2019 – Belgrade, Serbia

Event Details
Thursday, September 19 – Friday, September 20, 2019
Belgrade, Serbia

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce seventh Executive Leadership Forum on September 19th and 20th at the NCR campus in Belgrade, Serbia. We are proud to be collaborating with NCR, MVP Workshop and ChainIQ on this event. This by-invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 supply chain leaders from around the world. The goal of the meeting is to share the research conducted by the DSCI and its member companies and to engage the participants in a deep discussion of transformative actions necessary to create a Digital Supply Chain. The theme for the digital transformation is the “Frontside Flip,” which captures the spirit of customer focus and demand management that will increase revenue by 10% and reduce costs by 20%.

The focus of the Executive Leadership forum will be on generating useful information and a network of fellow leaders that can help your company make the transition to a Digital Supply Chain. Renowned business leaders will speak during the Forum. The session is designed to maximize collaboration and identify practical steps on how to advance digital supply chains in the enterprise.

Who Should Attend?

C-level executives, directors, and executive managers from cross-functional departments across the enterprise.
The forum is specially designed so that multi-functional teams of senior management (including supply chain, sales, marketing, IT, Finance and HR) can analyze the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. Leading edge transformation requires a cross-company commitment and effort.

Digital Supply Chain Executive Leadership Forum 2019 – Santiago, Chile

Event Details
Tuesday, March 12 – Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Santiago, Chile

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce sixth Executive Leadership Forum on March 12th and 13th at the ESE Business School in Santiago, Chile. We are proud to once again be collaborating with ESE Business School on this event. This by-invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 supply chain leaders from around the world. The goal of the meeting is to share the research conducted by the DSCI and 25 top global companies and to engage the participants in a deep discussion of transformative actions necessary to create a Digital Supply Chain. The theme for the digital transformation is the “Frontside Flip,” which captures the spirit of customer focus and demand management that will increase revenue by 10% and reduce costs by 20%.

The focus of the Executive Leadership forum will be on generating useful information and a network of fellow leaders that can help your company make the transition to a Digital Supply Chain. The overall theme is the “Frontside Flip”: how to turn the supply chain focus towards the customer and revenue growth. Renowned business leaders will speak during the Forum. The session is designed to maximize collaboration and identify practical steps on how to advance digital supply chains in the enterprise.

Who Should Attend?

C-level executives, directors, and executive managers from cross-functional departments across the enterprise.
The forum is specially designed so that multi-functional teams of senior management (including supply chain, sales, marketing, IT, Finance and HR) can analyze the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation. Leading edge transformation requires a cross-company commitment and effort.

Forum Agenda

  • About The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI)
  • What’s New: Trending Digital Supply Chain Issues
  • The CEO Perspectives: “The imperative of Transformation”
  • Revenue Growth through the Digital Supply Chain
  • Managing Algorithms for Competitive Advantage
  • People, Change Leadership and the DSC
  • Getting a Return from a Blockchain
  • Strategy, Transformation, & Choices

Digital Supply Chain Executive Leadership Forum – Santiago, Chile

Event Details
Monday, May 7 – Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Santiago, Chile

The Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) of the Center for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce an exciting Executive Leadership Forum on May 7th and 8th at the ESE Business School in Santiago, Chile. This by-invitation-only event will bring together no more than 100 supply chain leaders from around the world. The goal of the meeting is to share the research conducted by the DSCI and 25 top global companies and to engage the participants in an in-depth discussion of transformative actions necessary to create a Digital Supply Chain. The theme for the digital transformation is the “Frontside Flip,” which captures the spirit of customer focus and demand management that will increase revenue by 10% and reduce costs by 20%.

The focus of the Executive Leadership Forum will be on generating useful information and a network of fellow leaders that can help your company make the transition to a Digital Supply Chain. The overall theme is the “Frontside Flip”: how to turn the supply chain focus towards the customer and towards revenue growth.

Two topics will be the subject of discussion where we share the research and collect your views:

  • Driving Demand in the Digital Supply Chain: Algorithms and the Untapped Power of Applying Real-Time Big Data and AI/ML
  • Blockchain and the Digital Supply Chain

The event is hosted by Anastasia, SAP, and Li & Fung.